While not all starches are bad, eating too many processed starches can add to your weight loss progress. Starchy foods are our main source of carbohydrate and have an important role in a healthy diet. Starchy foods such as rice, bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and cereals should make up just over a quarter of what you eat everyday.

According to science, Starch is a polymeric carbohydrate consisting of numerous glucose units joined by glycosidic bonds. This polysaccharide is produced by most green plants as energy storage. It is the most common carbohydrate in human diets and is contained in large amounts in staple foods like maize , rice, wheat, potatoes and cassava. Carbohydrates can also be known as carbs.

Carbohydrates can be divided into three main categories: sugar, fiber and starch. Starches are the most commonly type of carb, and an important source of energy for many people.  Starches are classified as complex carbs, since they consist of many sugar molecules joined together. 

Many of the starches people eat today are highly refined. They can actually cause your blood sugar levels to raise up rapidly, even though they’re classified as complex carbs. They contain empty calories and provide little nutritional benefit. Studies have shown that eating a diet rich in refined starches is linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and weight gain.

•Starchy foods are a good source of energy.
•They contain fibre, calcium, iron and B vitamins.
•They are the main source of a range of nutrients in our diet.
•Starches  can help with appetite suppression.
•They reduce the risks associated with diabetes and colon cancer.
•Starches can help people eat less and improve gut health and blood glucose control.
•It’s heart healthy.
•It’s tames hunger.

•Instant Noodles- This contain 56% of starch, they are typically high in fat and carbs. A pack of noodles contain 54 grams of carbs and 13.4 grams of fat. People who consume instant noodles more than twice per week have a higher risk of metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease.

•Rice-It is also high in starch, especially in its uncooked form. For instance, 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of uncooked rice contain 80.4 grams of carbs, of which 63.6% is starch. when rice is cooked, the starch content drops. 3.5 ounces of cooked rice only contain 28.7% starch, because cooked rice carries a lot of water.

•Pasta- Pasta has less starch when it is cooked because it gelatinizes in heat and water. For instance, dry spaghetti contains 62.5% starch, while cooked spaghetti contains only 26% starch.

•Flours- such as sorghum, wheat and refined wheat flour. They are also generally high in starch. This contain 70% of starch.

•Oats- The starch in oats is different than the starch in other grains. It has a higher fat content and a higher viscosity. It contains 58.9%

•Breads- Many of these products are made with refined wheat flour and have a high glycemic index score. This means they can rapidly increase your blood sugar(44.4%).

Some starchy vegetables and non- starchy vegetables you need to know;

Starchy vegetables- corn, beans, sweet potatoes, peas, Yams.

Non-starchy vegetables- cabbage, cucumber, salad greens, onions, Eggplant, Mushrooms.

Starch is good but too much can be a problem to our health, make sure you know the adequate intake of starchy food you take per day.